Tuesday, September 29, 2015

3 Steps to Better Understanding Your Customers

In This Week's Eblast:
Chamber Events:

Disclaimer: The above events are benefits of Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact the office to determine eligibility for attendance.  
Ribbon Cuttings:
Disclaimer: In order to stay informed of time changes, postponements, and cancellations for ribbon cuttings it is highly recommended that all possible attendees register ahead of time to receive updates.

Member Events:

Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
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Thursday Oct 1, 2015
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Thursday Oct 1, 2015
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Friday Oct 2, 2015
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Friday Oct 2, 2015
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Friday Oct 2, 2015
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Saturday Oct 3, 2015
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Saturday Oct 3, 2015
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Sunday Oct 4, 2015
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Wednesday Oct 7, 2015
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Wednesday Oct 7, 2015
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3 Steps to Better Understanding Your Customers
Customers can seem enigmatic at times. You try to predict their behavior, but a lack of data or analytic misdirection can cause you to veer off course and miss the mark. It's impossible to always accurately predict every customer's reaction and decision-making process, but taking steps to better understand your customer base can help you fulfill their needs and increase the chances of a sale. Here's how:
1. Create a Customer Profile
What does your ideal customer look like? Creating an ideal customer profile helps you delve deeper into what your customer is thinking-and why they are thinking that. When you start with product research and development, for example, you can begin with a fictional character and answer the following questions:
  • What is the age and gender of the person most likely to buy your product?
  • How will that person use the product?
  • What are the characteristics of that person's lifestyle?
  • What are some of the objections or concerns she might have about the product?
  • How much would she be willing to pay for the product?
2. Utilize Big and Small Data
Collecting customer data gives you hard evidence to support your predictions based on your customer profile. Both big data and small data should be leveraged to help you better predict customer behavior. What's the difference? Big data is generalized information mined from open, public sources. Small data, however, is the more concrete stuff: Actual transactions or personal financial information.
Typically, big data is used to create a general customer profile, while small data can be applied to individual, actual customer profiles to better predict behavior surrounding attitude and purchases.
3. Ask Them!
If you want to get to know your customers better, why not go straight to the source? One traditional method is with customer surveys: online, by phone, or even in-store. Another method of asking customers for their unbridled opinions is via game play. Games can be a great substitute for customer surveys, as market research questions can actually be inserted into the natural flow of the game (think quiz-show style games), and because customers are in a comfortable environment, they might even answer more honestly than if they were sitting in a focus group.


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Would you like to see your Member to Member Deal here in our E-blast? Check out the program details and guidelines here and let us know by contacting will.mackey@etowahchamber.org or calling 256-543-3472 

We would like to invite you to click the bold business name links below to be transported to the Facebook page of your fellow Chamber members. Please take a moment to "LIKE" these member pages and look for your Facebook page to be featured in the future!

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Greater Gadsden Speakers Area 24 Fall Speech Contest

In This Week's Eblast:
Chamber Events:

Disclaimer: The above events are benefits of Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact the office to determine eligibility for attendance.  
Ribbon Cuttings:
Disclaimer: In order to stay informed of time changes, postponements, and cancellations for ribbon cuttings it is highly recommended that all possible attendees register ahead of time to receive updates.

Member Events:

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
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Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
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Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
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Thursday Sep 24, 2015
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Thursday Sep 24, 2015
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Thursday Sep 24, 2015
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Friday Sep 25, 2015
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Saturday Sep 26, 2015
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Saturday Sep 26, 2015
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Saturday Sep 26, 2015
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Saturday Sep 26, 2015
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Sunday Sep 27, 2015
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Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
... read more

Greater Gadsden Speakers Area 24 Fall Speech Contest

Greater Gadsden Speakers, Gadsden's Toastmasters Club, would like to congratulate two members for outstanding performance during the Area 24 Fall Speech Contest. 

Michelle Williams of Attalla, AL and Jolynn Striep of Ohatchee, AL both represented our club in the Tall Tales and TableTopics Speech Event. 

Michelle Williams won the Tall Tales contest and will be moving to the next level of competition at the District 77 Speech Contest in Destin, FL.  Here, participants from the entire Southeast will be competing in telling the best wild tale they can.   The winner of the contest will move to the regional and have the opportunity in competing and the national and international levels.   We want to congratulate Michelle for her outstanding performance and would like to show our support of her from our community.  Feel free to join us in support of Michelle and her journey on our FB page:  Greater Gadsden Speakers. 

Jolynn Striep took second place in the Tabletopics event.  During this portion of the contest, contestants are all asked the same random question and are required to answer within a set amount of time without any preparation and no idea of the subject prior to the contest.  This component of the contest tests one's ability to respond to questions in a clear and educated fashion.  This is a difficult skill to hone and we congratulate Jolynn for her hard work in preparation for this event.

We could not have asked for better representation from our club.  Toastmasters is the perfect program to perfect your communication skills and take them to the next level.   

Greater Gadsden Speakers meets every at the YMCA of the Coosa Valley from 7-8 P.M..  We always welcome guests.  Please come and join us to become that speaker and communicator you want to be.


Tracy Rowland
Greater Gadsden Speakers


Get a special price of Boise X-9 SPLOX Multi-Use Copy Paper Speed Loading Box.
Category: Office Machines/Supplies

Would you like to see your Member to Member Deal here in our E-blast? Check out the program details and guidelines here and let us know by contacting will.mackey@etowahchamber.org or calling 256-543-3472 

We would like to invite you to click the bold business name links below to be transported to the Facebook page of your fellow Chamber members. Please take a moment to "LIKE" these member pages and look for your Facebook page to be featured in the future!

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