3 Ways How to Sell Without Looking Like a Salesperson
People hate to be sold things, yet life is all about selling - selling an assignment to your school teacher, selling your college friends the road trip you want to go on, or selling yourself to your interviewer. In business, the art of successful selling lies in the ability to sell without looking like a salesperson.
Here are three tips on how to not appear like an unabashed seller:
1. Simply tell people how to find what they need - do not sell.
Talk about the benefits; say all that is needed to be said. If your pitch matches a customer's requirement, pursue it; but let the ball be in their court in the end.
2. Welcome walk-ins, anyone for a good chat and make business an option.
Buying can't be shoved down people's throats; it has to be a choice. If someone does not become your customer, they can serve other purposes, like spreading a good word about you. Welcoming everyone is a sign of congeniality and people acknowledge you for it.
3. Loosen up, lend an ear, befriend, earn their trust, and make them laugh!
People like to talk about themselves, about what they want for their business, where they want to see it going. It is the best time to align your thoughts with theirs, sow the seeds of a prospective association, and get a glimpse into what kind of engagement they are looking at. This approach widens the scope of discussion, where the client can talk about their pain points, what they find most difficult (but would love to achieve), what they are slightly good at but not perfect, etc.
And make them laugh, if possible. If you are pitching a business client, talking all the time about business objectives, growing sales, and increasing ROI can get too heavy. Narrate a funny incident once in a while during a presentation; it breaks the ice and takes the pressure off.
In conclusion, the truth is good salesmanship does not touch hard selling with a barge pole.