Tuesday, February 24, 2015

5 Foundational Pillars of Great Leadership

In This Week's Eblast:
Chamber Events:

Disclaimer: The above events are benefits of Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact the office to determine eligibility for attendance.  
Ribbon Cuttings:

Thursday Feb 26, 2015
Thursday Mar 12, 2015


Member Events:

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
... read more

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
... read more

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
... read more

Wednesday Feb 25, 2015

Friday Feb 27, 2015 - Saturday Feb 28, 2015
... read more

Saturday Feb 28, 2015
... read more

Friday Mar 6, 2015
... read more

Saturday Mar 7, 2015

Wednesday Mar 11, 2015

5 Foundational Pillars of Great Leadership
Throughout history, there's always been a clear divide between those who lead and those who follow. As cliched as it is to say, hard work and dedication go a long way towards becoming a successful business leader. Here are five key attributes seen time and time again in today's successful entrepreneurs and business leaders:
1. Leaders Are Open to Change
Business isn't a static environment, and having an ego about your ideas or methods of working can be a dangerous attribute. Growing a business requires constant learning and adaptation.
2. Leaders Are Accountable
Accountability goes hand in hand with being open to change. And when it comes to leading others, nothing can cause you to lose more respect than pointing the finger. Leadership isn't about being above the rest; it's about presenting yourself in a way which others are naturally inclined to follow. When it comes to leading a team, there's a fine line between the importance of acknowledging the wins of individuals and sharing them with the team as a whole.
3. Leaders Have an Understanding of Money
Staying on top of your business's finances is just as important as keeping an eye on your personal bank account. Proper financial planning will leave your business in the green, all the while ensuring you're building a stable future for yourself. Many people shy away from getting involved in the financial side of things out of a simple fear of number crunching.

4. Leaders Are Goal-Oriented
Goal setting may seem like a paperwork exercise for many; but without setting the goal posts, you're leaving yourself without a target to shoot for. You risk not only your business plan drifting off on a tangent but also becoming stagnant.
5. Leaders Have a Sixth Sense for Skill Sets
Wise managers are never afraid to surround themselves with talent. View the talents of your colleagues as resources and learning opportunities rather than threats. Not only will you build a stronger business with a wider skill set, but you'll also immerse yourself in an environment where everybody can learn something from each other. 

How Has The Chamber Helped 
You Out Lately?

Please Don't Hesitate To Let Us Know!

Send an Email to Will Mackey, Program Manager to tell us and YOUR comments or story may be featured in an upcoming Eblast!



Receive a $300 Voucher When You Sign Up for a Yearly Landscape Management Contract!!
Category: Landscaping

McClellan Family Chiropractic is happy to offer a Chamber Member exclusive discount of 50% off your first new patient visit.
Category: Chiropractors

Servpro would like to offer this exclusive deal to all fellow Chamber Members! Receive a $100 discount at time of scheduled work for any residential or commercial duct cleaning after estimate of job.
Category: Cleaning & Restoration

Come Experience the Aqua Difference with 15% Off All Services for Chamber Members!
Category: Health Care Services

We are pleased to offer Chamber members a 10% discount off their total purchase at our garden shop. Just tell us you want our Chamber Member to Member discount.
Category: Landscaping

10% OFF Check Total

20 % Off With Corporate Discount Card
Category: Retail (256) 543-2551

Lyons HR offers 15% OFF Professional Service Fees for the 1st year for all new PEO Pro and PEO Prime agreements! This is a Chamber Member exclusive deal. Be sure to inform the representative at Lyons HR and recieve your discount!
Category: Staffing and Employment Services

Would you like your dog or cat to live longer and be healthier? Sure! Animal Health Care has a special offer ONLY for Chamber members and their employees.
Category: Veterinarians

25% OFF! WOW! Experience professional service! Experience clean windows and glass doors that will cause your customers and patients to comment on how great they look!

Would you like to see your Member to Member Deal here in our E-blast? Check out the program details and guidelines here and let us know by contacting info@gadsdenchamber.com or calling 256-543-3472 

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Top 7 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make With Mentors

In This Week's Eblast:
Chamber Events:

Disclaimer: The above events are benefits of Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact the office to determine eligibility for attendance.  
Ribbon Cuttings:

Thursday Feb 26, 2015

Thursday Mar 12, 2015


Member Events:

The Top 7 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make With Mentors

A business mentor is someone with a lot more experience who is willing to teach you what they know. Listed below are some common persistent mistakes that entrepreneurs make when consulting a mentor.

Mistake 1: Choosing an Unenthusiastic Mentor 
Not everyone will be knowledgeable about your industry or even understand your business. Think twice about engaging with a mentor who doesn't seem interested in your vision. Choose someone who displays clear enthusiasm in what you are trying to achieve. But there is a difference between a mentor who delivers tough love - versus someone who squelches your dreams.

Mistake 2: Setting Expectations Too Low
Most everyone who goes into business for themselves has an idol. Don't expect a mentor to be a billionaire but do set your sights on someone you look up to and reach out to that person. The worst he or she can do is say no!

Mistake 3: Expecting Your Mentor to do Your Work
A mentor is not an unpaid employee or contractor. A good mentor will be extremely busy with his or her own business matters. He or she will make time for you, but will lose patience if you try to palm off your workload.

Mistake 4: Not Accepting Input
Once you decide to go into business for yourself, you need an open mind and a thick skin. People will not always agree with you, and in order to make changes, you have to be willing and able to accept constructive feedback. Invite input, no matter how much "tough love" you're getting. Then take that input to make your company better.

Mistake 5: Doing all the Talking
It can be easy for you to launch into talking about your aims, ambitions, and ways of doing things but you are not going to learn anything if you don't allow the mentor to speak and impart his or her wisdom. Remember to ask questions, listen and take copious notes.

Mistake 6: Worrying About Secrets
You may feel sensitive about your business secrets. If you truly feel you have a patentable invention or trade secret, talk with an attorney about what you need to do to protect your rights, including asking the mentor to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Mistake 7: Being too Persistent and Needy
Mentors are busy people, with schedules as long as your arm.
Constantly bombarding them with phone messages, emails, and text messages asking constant questions is going to lead very quickly to you and the mentor parting company. So take a chill pill, keep all your questions written down for your next mentoring session, and give your mentor the space to get on with his or her business and life. Be a respectful colleague ­- not a stalker. 

How Has The Chamber Helped 
You Out Lately?

Please Don't Hesitate To Let Us Know!

Send an Email to Will Mackey, Program Manager to tell us and YOUR comments or story may be featured in an upcoming Eblast!



Receive a $300 Voucher When You Sign Up for a Yearly Landscape Management Contract!!
Category: Landscaping

McClellan Family Chiropractic is happy to offer a Chamber Member exclusive discount of 50% off your first new patient visit.
Category: Chiropractors

Servpro would like to offer this exclusive deal to all fellow Chamber Members! Receive a $100 discount at time of scheduled work for any residential or commercial duct cleaning after estimate of job.
Category: Cleaning & Restoration

Come Experience the Aqua Difference with 15% Off All Services for Chamber Members!
Category: Health Care Services

We are pleased to offer Chamber members a 10% discount off their total purchase at our garden shop. Just tell us you want our Chamber Member to Member discount.
Category: Landscaping

10% OFF Check Total

20 % Off With Corporate Discount Card
Category: Retail (256) 543-2551

Lyons HR offers 15% OFF Professional Service Fees for the 1st year for all new PEO Pro and PEO Prime agreements! This is a Chamber Member exclusive deal. Be sure to inform the representative at Lyons HR and recieve your discount!
Category: Staffing and Employment Services

Would you like your dog or cat to live longer and be healthier? Sure! Animal Health Care has a special offer ONLY for Chamber members and their employees.
Category: Veterinarians

25% OFF! WOW! Experience professional service! Experience clean windows and glass doors that will cause your customers and patients to comment on how great they look!

Would you like to see your Member to Member Deal here in our E-blast? Check out the program details and guidelines here and let us know by contacting info@gadsdenchamber.com or calling 256-543-3472 

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