Tuesday, May 31, 2016

5 Ways Technology Can Help You Go Global

In This Week's Eblast:
Chamber Events:

Disclaimer: The above events are benefits of Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact the office to determine eligibility for attendance.  
Ribbon Cuttings:
Disclaimer: In order to stay informed of time changes, postponements, and cancellations for ribbon cuttings it is highly recommended that all possible attendees register ahead of time to receive updates.

Member Events:

5 Ways Technology Can Help You Go Global
Expanding your small business to serve a global clientele is easier and more rewarding than it's ever been, thanks to the internet. Technology enables even the smallest business to create a global presence. How can you best use technology to manage your expansion? Here are five tips to put you on top of the world.
1. Use the cloud for global sharing. Whether you're setting up an office overseas, working with customers in other countries, or outsourcing to far-flung contractors, collaborating with people in different locations and time zones can easily get complicated. Storing your files and data online means it's easy to organize and share them. You always have the most current version of files, so everyone is up to date-but you can restore previous versions if needed. You can even access your data offline for times when you don't have an Internet connection.
2. Stay in control of your data. Sharing business information with distant teams and brand-new global partners can feel a little risky. With certain online services, you can restrict access and control who sees and/or edits each document. Create project-specific team sites that share data only with those who need to know.
3. Choose flexible collaboration tools. Some people like to communicate by email or phone, while others prefer face-to-face meetings or online chat. Since you're going to meet all kinds in your global expansion efforts, look for collaboration tools. That way, you'll be prepared no matter whom you're working with.
4. Be ready to meet whenever, wherever. Using some online services, you can start a videoconference on any mobile device-Windows, iOS, or Android-and quickly hold meetings on the road. Just send a link to whomever needs to participate, and you're set.
5. Manage your contacts. Keeping track of all your new connections-customers, vendors, and suppliers-can seem overwhelming. Find a service that syncs your emails, calendars, and contact information across all of your devices in real time, so you always have current information about the people you work with.
By choosing the right technology tools to power your global expansion, you'll soon find the world is at your fingertips.


Would you like to see your Member to Member Deal here in our E-blast? Check out the program details and guidelines here and let us know by contacting will.mackey@etowahchamber.org or calling 256-543-3472 

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Doctors' Care


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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

6 Important Policies & Documents Essential to Small Business

In This Week's Eblast:
Chamber Events:

Disclaimer: The above events are benefits of Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact the office to determine eligibility for attendance.  
Ribbon Cuttings:
Disclaimer: In order to stay informed of time changes, postponements, and cancellations for ribbon cuttings it is highly recommended that all possible attendees register ahead of time to receive updates.

Member Events:

6 Important Policies and Documents That Are Essential to Every Small Business

The right policies and documents also protect your business. You don't want to be caught short when it comes to the documents and policies required to run your business right. Here are six policies and documents your business needs, and the tools that can help you create them quickly and inexpensively:
1. Contracts
It's a good idea to create a contract when you enter agreement with someone else. In some cases, a simple email laying out the terms of your agreement is enough. Whether you enter a partnership, work with tenants, provide consulting or freelancing services, or have any other business arrangement, a contract is a good idea.
2. Refund Policy
When you offer a product or service, you often need a refund policy. Creating a refund policy that is fair and that people trust is an important part of running a successful business.
3. Privacy Policy
A privacy policy is important if you plan to collect information from website visitors and from customers in other ways. You can look at other sites' privacy policies to help you figure out the best way to go about creating this policy.
4. Non-Disclosure Agreement
The non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a document your business needs if you plan to work with others who might get access to your proprietary data and products that you want to keep private. Having one is vital if you want to reduce the chances that someone else will take your secret sauce and sell it to the highest bidder.
5. Business Plan
The right business plan not only gives you direction, but it's one of the documents your business needs if you want to convince someone to fund your business. Your business plan is an important document, and you should understand what to include your business plan and how to construct it if you want to present a professional and viable front.
6. Various HR-Related Policies
Do you have all the necessary HR-related policies that outline what is expected of employees? These types of policies include:
  • Sexual harrassment policy
  • Social media policy
  • Media relations policy
  • Anti-discrimination policy
  • Compensation and benefits policies (including leave)
  • Disciplinary policy
Some of these policies are required by law, and it makes sense to take a look at what is required in your state and by the federal government. There might be other policies and documents your business needs, so consider your situation, and do your best to create the right paperwork for your protection.


Would you like to see your Member to Member Deal here in our E-blast? Check out the program details and guidelines here and let us know by contacting will.mackey@etowahchamber.org or calling 256-543-3472 

We would like to invite you to click the bold business name links below to be transported to the Facebook page of your fellow Chamber members. Please take a moment to "LIKE" these member pages and look for your Facebook page to be featured in the future!

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