Monday, October 21, 2013

How Can Blogging Enhance My Business?

Welcome to The Chamber's Blog. What is a Blog and how can it be an effective marketing tool for your small business as well? A blog is an online host with a web destination which can be updated frequently to provide info to its visitors. Every week we accept your advertisements and news and post to The Coosa Caterwaul Blog in order to offer an easily accessible option for your fellow Chamber members and the community to see what is going on in Etowah County. This is a great tool because it allows us more space than just our internal E-blast to host your news and advertising as well as opens our marketplace to include the general public. We at The Chamber strive to provide you the broadest range of media outlets to reach your fullest potential market of clients, shoppers, investors, and partners. Check out the list below as well as the links included for some insight into how creating a Blog may help your business as well!

5 Ways Blogging Can Boost Your Business

  1. Connect with customers-A blog is a practical and powerful way to share useful, relevant information with customers
  2. Connect with partners-Blogging allows you to connect and team up with influencers and leaders who can be instrumental in building your business.
  3. Generate traffic-A strategically planned blog, with carefully chosen keywords in play, will show up in search and drive traffic to your landing pages.
  4. Establish authority-Your business blog is the hub of your content marketing efforts where you share your expertise.
  5. Win business-60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers, says Hub Spot. They offer a ton of statistical insights in their research.
Other Links:


(Click on any of the underlined listings for more information)


Ribbon Cuttings


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