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5 Must-Know Public Speaking Tips for Introverts
An email arrives inviting you to speak in front of a group of business leaders, and
you panic. You have lots to say and important information to share, but you aren't
comfortable speaking in front of large groups. Sound familiar? You're not alone.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 74 percent of adults suffer
from speech anxiety. So what can you do to alleviate this fear? We spoke with Ken Lindner, CEO of Los Angeles-based Ken Lindner & Associates, Inc., abroadcast talent agency and author of Your Killer Emotions (Greenleaf Group
Book Press 2013), to learn how to overcome this fear and claim your place in the
1. Have a game plan.
"Fear can paralyze you. Having a strategy helps dissipate fear," says Lindner. If
you're afraid of consequences like being embarrassed or failing, it brings
negative energy. Instead of visualizing negative outcomes or focusing on times
you've been embarrassed in the past, picture yourself making a great speech
that enlightens and inspires your audience, and all the positives that flow from
making that speech, Lindner says. Short-term benefits of giving a great speech may include educating and inspiring people, while long-term benefits may be more invitations to speak, being viewed as an expert in your field, and more business for your company.
2. Control your environment.
"You're more comfortable with the home court advantage," Lindner notes. Check
out the location beforehand, getting a feel for the size of the space and the setup
(whether there's a podium, microphone stand, etc.) Lindner suggests having
people in the audience that you know, with whom you're comfortable, so there
are friendly faces who can smile back or nod reassuringly.
3. Know your material.
"You're the expert -- it's in your wheelhouse," Lindner says. You know more
about the topic than your audience, so educate them, Lindner says. People love
to be engaged and inspired, he says. "If you talk about things you know and are
passionate about, that resonates with people," Lindner says.
4. Be authentic.
One of Lindner's clients is NBC's Today show host Matt Lauer. Lindner says
Lauer is likable because "he's warm, he can laugh, he's self-deprecating. He's
not scripted, he's who he is." On his show, Lauer has the opportunity to talk with
people every day and show his personality. Speakers who do this well, like
Oprah Winfrey and Katie Couric, connect with their audiences on a visceral level,
notes Lindner. "The people who resonate the most are real and authentic."
To do this, Lindner suggests thinking about the logical sequence of your
message: the beginning, middle, and end, and the steps of how to get there.
Don't get bogged down with all the facts, Lindner says. Think about the message
and what you want people to know. Having a general outline is fine, but be willing
to go with the flow, Lindner says.
5. Know your audience.
Like a rock band that plays a different set list depending on where they are and
who their audience is, a good speaker will know who's in the audience and tailor
their message to them. "Alter your speech so it resonates with them, and is
meaningful and relevant to them," Lindner says. Speaking at a live event offers
you the opportunity to get immediate feedback and see whether people are
responding to their message. Allowing for Q&A gives a speaker the chance to
interact with the audience and be real, Lindner says.
Greater Gadsden Speakers, A Toastmasters Club, teaches and practices
these skills in an environment that is supportive and empowering for all of
it's members. Feel free to visit them to learn more about how to overcome
the fear of speaking. Learn more at: TOASTMASTERS.ORG. They meet every Thursday from 7:00pm-8:00 P.M.the YMCA. Guests are
always welcome.
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