3 Smart Ways to Manage Your Marketing
Marketing is one of the biggest challenges small business owners face. How do you generate demand for your products or services, keep your business top-of-mind with prospective customers, and maintain a steady pipeline of new business-all while handling your day-to-day duties? These suggestions will help you better manage your marketing.
1. Develop a plan
Marketing haphazardly generates uneven results. Decide what you want to gain from your marketing efforts, which methods will work best to reach your target customers based on your market research, and what kind of budget you can devote to marketing. Then create a 12-month marketing plan detailing the specifics; use it as your road map to guide your marketing efforts.
2. Get personal
One-size-fits-all marketing no longer works (if it ever did). Today, your marketing needs to have a personal touch. Start by collecting customer data, such as budget, past purchasing behavior, and personal details, so you can build on this knowledge of what your customers do, want, and need. It's easy when you use a customer relationship management (CRM) tool that gathers all of the information in one place.
3. Build relationships
Today's customers want relationships with the businesses they patronize. To build those relationships, your marketing must reach out to prospects at all possible touch points along the path to purchase. From awareness to consideration to research to decision-making, developing a marketing mix that incorporates traditional, broadcast, digital, and mobile marketing messages ensures your business stays in the customer's consciousness.
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