4 Simple Ways to Extend the Life of Your Business's Digital Devices
Too often, gadgets' lives are cut short because people don't know how to care for them properly. That's why it pays to take some time to learn and educate your team about ways to keep your devices in optimal working order and give them as much longevity as possible.
1. Protect screens. Broken screens reign as the most common replacement issue for phones and tablets. To make your devices' screens resistant to damage, consider protecting them with tempered glass screen protectors and durable cases that extend over the edges of your devices. You can also find a repair professional to install screen protectors, or you can order and apply them on your own.
2. Watch out for unsuspected causes of water damage. Another reason digital devices meet an early demise is water damage, which can cause motherboards and charging ports to short-circuit. Many people don't realize that steam and sweat, not just spills and dunks, can cause problems for gadgets.
3. Clean your devices' charger ports. A common problem that leads to device repairs and replacements is when a gadget won't charge. Often, the cause is that fuzz and dirt have collected in a device's charging port. It's such a simple thing to prevent, yet most people either don't know-or neglect-to do it. Carefully brush the port with a dry toothbrush to clear it of debris. Doing this every few days will help prevent ports from becoming clogged.
4. Be smart about charging devices' batteries. We are an "on-the-go" society, so many of us charge our phones from our cars regularly. What most people don't realize is that you should only plug your phone into the charging cable after the car is started. A car's voltage is much higher than what a phone requires and the surge upon starting a vehicle can wear down batteries and cause other issues. Although many people are aware of it, it's also important to remind your team that charging gadgets too often can shorten battery life.
A little preventive maintenance can go a long way in protecting your digital devices from damage and a far-too-early departure. Share these tips with your team. By investing a little time and attention to the proper care of your gadgets, you'll help maximize their life spans and get a better return on your investment.
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