Friday, October 16, 2020

OneThing: Chamber of Commerce Week 2020


OneThing: Chamber of Commerce Week 2020
Chambers of Commerce have played an important role in the development of our nation and the state of Alabama. Whether openly or with a silent hand chambers have guided policy and taken action to affect change in our state and been present at many famous and infamous places throughout our country’s history. At each strategic inflection point of your community and this state, if you look closely, it is a safe bet that the chamber of commerce was present.

As a chamber member or citizen of a community benefitting from the work of your local chamber of commerce, your money, how and where you get to work, how the country or this state was settled, even possibly the existence of this country as we know it has something to do with the chambers of the past. This remarkable history provides us with great hope for the future of our country and this great state.

Please take a moment to celebrate the success of chambers in Alabama as we look with eyes of anticipation to what is to come.

Will Mackey | Programs Manager
One Commerce Square | PO Box 185 | Gadsden, Alabama 35902