Tuesday, June 28, 2016

4 Unconventional Ways Your Small Business Can Save Money

In This Week's Eblast:
Chamber Events:

Disclaimer: The above events are benefits of Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact the office to determine eligibility for attendance.  
Ribbon Cuttings:
Disclaimer: In order to stay informed of time changes, postponements, and cancellations for ribbon cuttings it is highly recommended that all possible attendees register ahead of time to receive updates.

Member Events:

4 Unconventional Ways Your Small Business Can Save Money

As a small business owner, you're undoubtedly always looking for ways to cut expenses and save money as you grow your company. Unfortunately, for a growing business, this often becomes more difficult-extra expenses keep popping up and it's harder to monitor what's going on. Well, the good news is that there are some simple ways you can save some major money. Identify them and you'll benefit greatly in the long run.
1. Be Strategic With Office Space
If your business is like most, one of your primary overhead expenses each month is rent. Office space is expensive and it's imperative that you maximize every square foot. Specifically, you should look for ways to downsize your footprint. Eliminating just a few hundred square feet can slash some serious numbers off your monthly payment.
2. Reduce Business Travel
Business travel is expensive-but it's also largely redundant in today's business climate. Whereas it was once necessary to hop on a plane to have a meeting with an important client, you can now handle things from halfway around the world, thanks to video chatting software and other remote communication tools.
So, the first key to saving money with business travel is to avoid unnecessary trips. Are there ways to save money on travel without cancelling trips altogether? Of course! You simply must be conscious of where you're spending money.
3. Go Paperless
You've probably heard about other businesses in your industry going paperless, but do you understand how big of a financial impact this decision could have on your organization? For businesses that keep lots of paper documentation on record-such as health-care companies-this can free up a tremendous amount of space.
Secondly, by eliminating costs associated with purchasing paper and printing, you can save a considerable amount of money each month.
4. Encourage Telecommuting
The fourth strategy you may want to try involves telecommuting and remote working. While it was once considered taboo, working from home is now widely acceptable-and even preferred-among today's employees. Millennials, in particular, have an affinity towards this flexibility and actively seek out jobs that allow them to work from multiple locations.


Would you like to see your Member to Member Deal here in our E-blast? Check out the program details and guidelines here and let us know by contacting will.mackey@etowahchamber.org or calling 256-543-3472 

We would like to invite you to click the bold business name links below to be transported to the Facebook page of your fellow Chamber members. Please take a moment to "LIKE" these member pages and look for your Facebook page to be featured in the future!

(click the member business name below to be transported to Facebook page)

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