Tuesday, March 22, 2016

4 Ways Introverts Can Practice Authenticity at Work

In This Week's Eblast:
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Ribbon Cuttings:
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Member Events:

4 Ways Introverts Can Practice Authenticity at Work
Most people usually equate leadership with traits such as charisma, optimism, aggressiveness, drive, outgoingness, and competitiveness. To rise to the top, many introverted leaders find themselves abandoning their natural strengths in favor of the desired characteristics of a charismatic leader. The problem is that it's exhausting to pretend to be someone you are not, day after day, especially for an introvert. It pays to be authentic. By practicing authenticity, introverted leaders in an extroverted world can begin to take their authenticity back. Here are four ways for an introvert to practice authenticity at work:
1. Counter Myths with Accurate Information
So many of the myths contained in popular stereotypes are based on grossly inaccurate information. Introverted leaders should educate themselves about the physiological realities of introversion. They can identify natural strengths, and look to great historical leaders who were introverted as examples.
2. Stop Faking It
One of the hardest but most rewarding actions introverted leaders can take is to resist the urge to conform to the extroverted stereotypes around them. Knowing that faking it is costly to health and well-being, introverts must stop the charade and refuse to be forced into an extroverted mold.
3. Be Comfortable in your Skin
The more introverts allow their introversion to show, the more comfortable they will be seeing themselves as introverts. By understanding the strengths and limitations that come with introversion, they can explain how leading is different for them, as well as stop allowing more outgoing leaders make them feel inadequate.
4. Celebrate Authenticity
The truth about who introverted leaders are, as well as their natural leadership gifts and strengths, will emerge as they move toward authenticity. Companies will benefit from their increased confidence and creativity, and the people they manage will benefit from their increased transparency and honesty. The leaders themselves will benefit from improved health, reduced levels of stress, and ever-increasing levels of authenticity.


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