Tuesday, March 15, 2016

5 Basic Tenets to Remember When Greeting Customers

In This Week's Eblast:
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Member Events:

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Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
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5 Basic Tenets to Remember When Greeting Customers
A kind greeting isn't just polite, it can also be a competitive advantage for your business. After all, everyone likes to do business with a friendly face. A greeting is about engaging customers in a genuine way, not giving a stock opening line, or worse, missing that vital first impression altogether. Here are eight basics tenets to remember when greeting your customers:
1. Be Prompt
Ideally, you'll greet your customers within 30 seconds of them entering your business. If you are in the middle of a task (that doesn't involve another customer), stop what you are doing to greet your new customer. If you are with another customer, ask if he or she minds if you step away for a moment to greet the new arrival, then acknowledge the newcomer and let them know you'll be with them in just a moment.
2. Offer a Warm Greeting
Make eye contact with each customer and smile. There's no worse greeting than a blank-eyed stare. Replace the well-worn, formal "Can I help you?" with something more welcoming. "What brings you in today?" or "Have you been in before?" are improvements. When appropriate, introduce yourself as well.
3. Show Recognition
If you recognize a customer from a previous visit, say so. "It's nice to see you again!" or "We're happy to have you back!" are good options for a customer whose name you don't know. For your regular customers, make an effort to remember their names and preferences. Ask about previous purchases or services and how these items are working for the customer.
4. Escort the Customer to Products
Rather than pointing a customer in the general direction of a product they've inquired about, take the few minutes to walk them to it and answer any questions they may have. This shows attentiveness-and allows you an opportunity to recommend specific products or suggest add-on purchases.
5. Have a Good Exit Line
A great goodbye is almost as important as a great greeting. Let your customers know you are there to answer any more questions they may have if it's clear they will be continuing their shopping. As a customer is checking out and leaving the premises, sincerely thank them for their business. The most lasting impression comes when you are able to include the name of your company in your goodbye.
Remember that interactions with customers should feel natural-just like any other conversation you might have with another person. Being personable and attentive goes a long way towards making a customer feel welcomed and valued at your establishment.


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